So look, I have a Blog

Man, I hate that word. “Blog.”

Seriously…makes me cringe.

But it is what it is and here we are. The story of me. A lawyer who has pretty much ditched practicing law for raising three little beastlings. It’s not exactly glamorous, but I’m not in it for the glamor.


  1. amillionblogs said,

    March 18, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    it’s almost like looking in the mirror – except you’ve got 4x as many kids, having been doing this 2.5x years longer and probably someone I could learn a lot from. thanks to spinnyliberal for telling me about you. i’m going to start reading in chron order…you know, the way you want those exhibits in the tabs. : ) nice to meet you.

    • March 18, 2011 at 2:03 pm

      Ooh – a new visitor! I still practice just enough to say I practice, but not enough to get rich off of or, like, pay more than the cable bill.

      I think if you actually read the whole thing (may I suggest right before bed to put you to sleep?), you’ll see a lot more domestic me initially, and crabby political me of late. It’s both me – I just figured the number of people wanting to read about my adventures in homemade pretzels are pretty negligible, tasty though they may be.

      I’ve also made the photos of my kids private for the most part. I decided that I prefer not to have them floating around the interwebbernetz after all, so there may be references to missing posts – you aren’t crazy if you notice this.

      Nice to meet you too!

  2. amillionblogs said,

    March 19, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    i’m not sure that what i do really constitutes the practice of law. nothing like curling up with a good blog on a saturday afternoon. reading glasses on.

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